Welcome to St Martin's Brighton
A Church at the Heart of the Community
Welcome to St Martin's Brighton
A Church at the Heart of the Community
A Church at the Heart of the Community
A Church at the Heart of the Community
Sunday Mass at 10:30 am
Please see times below for weekday services and check the monthly Kalendar for any changes
Monday 10:00 am
Tuesday 12.30 pm
and Wednesday 12:00 noon
Thursday 17.30 pm
Friday and Saturday 11.00 am
In the midst of
all that we face
in the world,
in our nations,
in our communities
and in our own lives,
Lord, remind us
and reassure us
that there is nothing
in all creation
that can separate us
from your love,
not even death.
Help us to live
in this promise
A village school in the heart of the city
We strive to create a school family in which our children are educated and inspired through loving and understanding of God, each other and the world.
Here at St Martin's we are committed to good safeguarding practices, and the safety and well being of all those in our community. If you wish to raise a safeguarding concern or would like more information please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer on 01273 689989
Our current Safeguarding Statement can be downloaded below.
Further information regarding Safeguarding within the Diocese of Chichester can be found using the below link.
St Martin's church, set in the very heart of Brighton, now sharing the dedication with St Wilfrid and St Alban (titles of two parishes in the former Resurrection Team) was consecrated in 1875 as the memorial to Fr. Henry Wagner, one of Brighton's longest serving vicars and builder of churches. Originally it was to have two further purposes, one to be the Garrison Church of Brighton and the other to serve the community in and around the Lewes Road. The latter remains its purpose today.
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